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Quitting tips and tactics

Show tips and tactics to help with:

Reach out to Quitline

Quitline 13 7848 counsellors are here for you! They can help you work out your triggers and how to manage them so you can get back on track to...
Plan to quit using this tactic

Go organic

Think healthy snacks: reach for carrot sticks, fruit or nuts to keep your hands busy.
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Explore the neighbourhood

If you stick to a usual place to hang out, try venture to somewhere new or unexplored. Mixing up your habits can be a great distraction.
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Tune out

Listen to some music or watch a funny clip on YouTube.
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Splurge on yourself

Reward yourself – use some of the money you’ve saved to see a movie or buy a magazine.
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Keep warm

Keep your hands and mouth busy with a warm drink like herbal tea.
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