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Tools to help you quit

Your quit smoking plan

Take a guided, step by step approach to building your tailored plan to stop smoking using this interactive tool.

Build your quit smoking plan

Your quit vaping plan

A guide to building your own plan to quit vaping.

Find out more

Calculate the cost of smoking

How much is smoking costing you? What you could you do with the money you save from quitting?

Use the calculator

The cost of vaping: 4 ways quitting will improve your life

Find out how quitting vaping can improve your life.

Learn more

Distract me

Need a quick distraction to ride through a craving? Use this interactive tool.

Get distracted

Tips & tactics

See tips and tactics to help you quit smoking or vaping, conquer cravings and manage feelings of withdrawal.

Select your tips & tactics

My QuitBuddy app

My QuitBuddy is an app that helps you get, and stay, smoke or vape free. It provides helpful tips and distractions to overcome cravings, tracking systems to chart your progress, and more.

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