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Peta's proud moment

Peta is now 100 days smoke free! Read on to find out how she did it.

I am 43 and have smoked for 27 years or so.

Today is my 100th day without a cigarette and I feel so proud. It is such an amazing feeling and I honestly never thought I would be able to do it.

I used the patches for around 10 weeks which helped but I really think the two most important pieces of advice I have for those trying to quit are: 

Become obsessed with the idea of giving up, make it almost like a full-time job at the start and focus all your energy on quitting. Also, change as many routines as possible.

I started having hot water with lemon each morning instead of tea or coffee and made myself have a shower as soon as I woke up, no matter what. These little things help because they remind you that you are living/about to live a different kind of life. A better life. You can do it!

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