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How Ian quit smoking to save himself

After having his first cigarette at the age of 16 years, Ian became a heavy smoker, "heavily addicted". Over the years, he tried to quit many times. He always went back to it. At the age of forty, he realised that if he continued to smoke, it "wouldn't be a great outcome" for him, particularly with the psychiatric medications he was taking. Click on the video below to watch Ian talk about how he stopped smoking and the benefits he's experienced since quitting.

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Call Quitline

If you're thinking of stopping smoking, chat with one of our qualified Quitline counsellors on 13 7848, Mon - Fri 8am - 8pm or request a call back using our online form. Quitline provides non-judgmental, empathetic and tailored support to help you along your quitting journey. Quitline is a culturally inclusive service for all, including the LGBTIQA+ community. We also have Aboriginal counsellors available as well as an interpreter service for people who speak languages other than English.

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