Swap it over
Try drinking out of your other hand. It might feel weird but can help reduce the urge to smoke or vape.
TacticKeep hydrated
Switch every second drink to water. The more alcohol you drink the more likely you are to give in to the urge to smoke.
TacticFiddle away
Keep your hands busy by holding a coin or a piece of jewellery.
TacticCheer yourself on
Tell yourself "I can deal with this craving", and "Every day I stay quit, it's doing me good".
TacticTrade it in
If you’re drinking, swap your typical drink for a different one.
TacticMeet new people
Introduce yourself to someone who you don’t know at the party. If you can choose someone who isn’t smoking or vaping, that’s even better.
TacticDon't let it be just one
Be wary of the “just one” thought. Keep reminding yourself of your reasons to quit.
TacticCurb the cravings
Take along some gum, mints or healthy snacks to help minimise your cravings.
TacticTurn it down
Practise what you’ll say when you’re offered a cigarette (or vape) – eg “Please don’t offer me any, I’m quitting”, or “No thanks, I don’t smoke/vape”.
TacticTry a change of environment
Try meeting friends at smokefree venues like the movies or restaurants.