Lose yourself
Keep a magazine, newspaper or book handy - subscribe to or order your faves.
TacticRenovations are easy
Move your desk to a different spot if you can, or rearrange the items on your desk.
TacticBrighten your space
Put some new pictures on your desk, screensaver or computer background to add some colour and create a positive space.
TacticGo digital
If possible, use the computer at different times of the day than you normally would.
TacticUncramp yourself!
Download a card or poster with computer stretches on it. Stick it up nearby. Take a break and stretch regularly.
TacticLittle changes
If you normally hold your drink with your right hand, try using your left instead and vice versa.
TacticKeep surprising yourself
Try a new drink to what you normally have.
TacticRemove the stress
Do something to keep your hands busy such as playing with a coin, fidget spinner or a stress ball.
TacticKeep it dry
Go easy, especially in the early days of quitting. Drink a glass of water between every drink.
TacticGet moving
If it's getting really tough, change the scene: take a walk around the block, excuse yourself and go to the bathroom and wash your hands, or just call a cab: get moving.