Surprise yourself
Rearrange the furniture in one of the rooms in your home. A change can be as good as a holiday!
TacticDIY your day
Revive an old hobby or pastime, or try something new. Language learning, tinkering with tools, playing an instrument, collecting, gaming, scrap booking!
TacticMix it up
Mix it up: Sit in a different chair or move the furniture around in your living room.
TacticDistract yourself
Keep your hands busy with a stress ball, tennis ball or even a necklace or 20 cent piece. Any small object which you can move over with your fingers
TacticHave a hug in a mug
Make yourself a mug of herbal tea or pour yourself a glass of milk
TacticFind a new story
Do some reading – grab a good book or a magazine to wind down and take your mind off cravings.
TacticBe your own cheerleader
Celebrate your wins. Write down your biggest quitting challenges of the day or week and how you overcame them.
TacticKeep it fresh
Something simple like using a different mug can help reduce the urge.
TacticChange it up
Break the association with your regular drink by switching to a different type of tea or coffee.
TacticA change of scenery
Sit in another chair, room or location to enjoy your drink. A new setting can help break old habits.