450 Results found
Peter's story
Peter is drawing strength from his experience to motivate himself and others to quit again.
StoryRick's story
Rick won’t deny the challenges he faced while quitting smoking, but once he quit, he felt that anything in life was possible.
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ArticleĐã đến lúc từ bỏ
ArticleSounds Like and Beat the Cravings Stakeholder Toolkit
FAQMarco's story
Marco smoked for 33 years and tried to quit many times before successfully quitting with help from his doctor. This is Marco's story.
StoryHenry's story
As Henry discovered a passion for competitive rowing, he realised the negative impact smoking had on his lung capacity. Racing on the river served as a powerful motivator for Henry to quit smoking and prioritise his health.
StoryTony's story
Tony won’t deny that the first few months of quitting were tough, particularly when he was out with friends. But he discovered a powerful ally in the My Quit Buddy app.