Quit 可为您提供帮助 (Quit is here to help - Chinese)
吸烟可致癌。您可以采用一种直截了当的方式来降低风险。Quit 可为您提供帮助。
Article吸烟导致16种癌症 (Smoking causes 16 cancers - Chinese)
ArticleTips to help you quit vaping
Congratulations on deciding to stop vaping! To give you the best chance of quitting, a great place to start is to make a plan and get prepared.
ArticleBeat the cravings to smoke or vape
Tired of letting cravings control you? Making small changes to your daily routine can help you beat the cravings.
ArticleThe con that kills
Tobacco companies manipulate tobacco products in ways that make the toxic smoke feel less harsh and harmful than it is. But no matter what they do to it, you're inhaling the same cancer-causing poisons. This is the con that kills.
ArticleRobyn's story
After quitting smoking, Robyn could finally save up for the one thing she had always wanted.
StoryRob's story
Rob spent 10 years trying to quit for good. How did he do it? With oranges and his might.
StoryCelebrating 30 years of Quitline counselling
Generations of Australians supported to quit smoking and more recently vaping. With a wealth of experience, Quitline counsellors are here to support people to quit, every step of the way.
ArticleWays to get in touch
FAQThe cost of vaping: 4 ways quitting will improve your life
Quitting vaping can improve your overall wellbeing in unexpected ways. Here are 4 key ways quitting vaping will improve your life.