450 Results found
Map of Smokefree Victoria
Smokefree environments support the health of communities by reducing the harms of tobacco and e-cigarette use and denormalising smoking and vaping behaviours.
ResourceComplaints, compliments and feedback
FAQLeader statements
ResourceVaping presentation
FAQVaping Resource Toolkit
FAQVaping FAQs
FAQKeen surfer? Here's some reasons to say no to smoking and vaping
Being a surfer means you care about the ocean and everything it supports. You also care about how you perform. It's two big reasons to think again before smoking or vaping.
ArticleSmoking causes 16 cancers (Arabic)
ArticleSmoking causes 16 cancers
Tobacco smoking is the leading preventable cause of cancer in Australia. Lung cancer was the first major disease linked to tobacco smoking. There is now evidence that smoking causes 16 types of cancers:
ArticleThuốc lá gây ra 16 bệnh ung thư (Smoking causes 16 cancers - Vietnamese)
Hút thuốc lá là nguyên nhân hàng đầu gây ung thư ở Úc. Ung thư phổi là căn bệnh nghiêm trọng đầu tiên liên quan đến hút thuốc lá. Hiện nay có bằng chứng cho thấy hút thuốc gây ra 16 loại ung thư.