Vapes and the effects of vaping
FAQProfessional development opportunities and resources
Quit offers professional development opportunities and resources aimed at increasing the skills and confidence to act to reduce tobacco-related harm in communities and settings.
ResourceUseful e-cigarette and vaping resources
Below is a list of useful resources to increase your knowledge on e-cigarettes and vaping.
ResourceBenefits to workplaces
Learn how workplaces can benefit by implementing smokefree policies and helping their employees to quit.
ResourceSmoke and vape free policies for schools and learning environments
It is important that tobacco and e-cigarette use is regulated through laws and policies so that children and young people are protected against the serious health risks of smoking and vaping.
ResourceEducational resources for schools
Schools have a major influence on children and young people’s learning and development. Hence, it is important that teachers and school staff are equipped with evidence-based information and resources to help students make healthy and informed decisions.
ResourceEffects of second- and third-hand smoke on children
Exposure to second- and third-hand smoke poses serious health risks to children.
ResourceTalking to children and young people about smoking and vaping
The following resources provide helpful strategies and tips on having conversations with young people about smoking and vaping.
ResourceHow to create a smokefree sporting club
This section provides information and guidelines to develop and implement a totally smokefree policy for sporting clubs.
ResourceVaping Resource Toolkit
With input from Common Cause Australia, Quit has developed a toolkit of evidence-based vaping resources to support people working to reduce vaping and smoking in their communities, as well as those advocating for further vaping regulation.