Sponge & Quite a Difference Campaign Hub
On Sunday 22 May 2022, Quit launched the Victoria-wide campaign 'Sponge' supported by 'Quite a Difference'. Below, you'll find campaign information and assets to share across your networks and channels during the campaign period - 22 May to 02 July 2022. By sharing the campaign assets and messages with your communities over the campaign period you can help reduce smoking rates and save lives:
ArticleDeaths & disease from smoking
FAQQuitting smoking fact sheets
FAQSmoking and vaping rates
FAQEnvironmental costs of tobacco
FAQResearch and evaluation
FAQTraining and resources for eye health professionals
Eye Health professionals are a respected source of health information. They are well placed to deliver smoking cessation brief advice to patients. 1 in 33 conversations with a health professional will result in a person quitting smoking.
ResourceTraining and resources for alcohol and other drug services
Alcohol and other drug (AOD) workers are a respected source of support. They are well placed to have smoking cessation brief advice conversations with their clients. Every conversation increases the chance of a client successfully quitting smoking.
ResourceTraining for maternity health professionals
Health professionals who care for pregnant women are well-placed to deliver smoking cessation brief advice to women and their partners.
ResourcePSA references
References for the Drug Interactions with Smoking card, developed by Quit Victoria and the Pharmaceutical Society of Australasia.