Voice Box and Confidence to Quit Campaign Hub
Welcome to the Voice Box and Confidence to Quit campaign hub. Here you'll find campaign information and resources. Download and share any of this content across your networks and channels.
ArticleWhat to do when you’re having a craving
Cravings can come crashing down on you, sometimes without warning. But they also only last a matter of minutes. Here are some tips to help you wait them out.
ArticleWhat is nicotine withdrawal?
When you stop smoking, vaping, or both, your body craves nicotine. In the first few days and weeks after stopping, you will likely have some feelings of nicotine withdrawal. It's easier to deal with nicotine withdrawal when you know what to expect.
ArticleWhen to try quitting again?
Have you returned to smoking or vaping and find yourself reflecting on when it would be great time to quit again? Do you find yourself often saying "now is not a good time" or "I'm really stressed out right now"? There's never a 'good' time to quit, but you can make it your time to quit.
ArticleWhy do I want to smoke when I drink?
Some people crave alcohol when they are smoking, and crave cigarettes when they are drinking. Why is this?
ArticleSponge & Quite a difference: Geotargeting campaign 2022 toolkit
This toolkit contains tools and resources for the six LGAs participating in Quit’s geotargeting campaign. The aim of this toolkit is to help participating LGAs amplify Quit’s public education campaign, ‘Sponge’ supported by ‘Quite a Difference’, in their communities with unique supportive messages during the campaign period: 22 May to 02 July 2022.
ArticleBreaking free from smoking or vaping: a guide for you and your loved ones
Breaking free from smoking or vaping can feel overwhelming. Understanding it's a journey can make all the difference.
ArticleHow quitting smoking can improve your life (Vietnamese)
Articleشرح: الشيشة مقابل السجائر
ما هي الشيشة؟ أو النرجيلة؟ أو الأرجيلة؟ وهل هي أفضل لك من السجائر؟
ArticleQuit is here to help
Whether or not you feel ready to stop smoking or vaping, Quit is here to help.