Quitline Interpreter Service, National Relay Service and more
There are a number of ways to contact Quitline (13 7848), including options for hearing or speech impairments and languages other than English.
ArticleQuitline: Purpose, mission and scope
FAQQuitting with a buddy
The best things in life are done with a close friend or loved one. If you're thinking about quitting with a friend, here are some tips.
ArticleHow quitting can improve your life - for the Chinese community
ArticleQuitting smoking explained
Congratulations on deciding to stop smoking! Let's go through some of the key things to know when you're working out how you'll quit:
ArticleRecognising your triggers
Ever noticed how certain things trigger your smoking and/or vaping?
ArticleSecondhand smoke and the people around you
When you smoke, the people around you inhale the smoke you breathe out and the smoke burning from the cigarette. This is called secondhand smoke. It's very harmful.
ArticleSetting a quit date and preparing to quit smoking or vaping
Setting a quit date can help you feel like you're taking control, and it gives you time to prepare.
Article5 things that happen when you quit
When you stop smoking or vaping, there are lots of benefits. Here are some of the things you have to look forward to!
ArticleSlip-ups are a common part of quitting
Quitting can be a journey of ups and down. It's common for people to have a 'slip-up' while trying to quit. Treat any 'slip-up' as a sign you need to revise your quitting strategy. Try not to spend your energy on self-blame.