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Nicotine lozenges

The nicotine lozenge is a type of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) that can be used to help you stop smoking. It helps to reduce cravings and feelings of withdrawal by replacing some of the nicotine you would normally get from smoking. Nicotine lozenges are often used together with the nicotine patch, which is a long-acting type of NRT, to help you quit. Watch the video and read the information below to learn about the nicotine lozenges and how to use them to help you stop smoking.


Nicotine mouth spray

The nicotine mouth spray is a type of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) that can be used to help you stop smoking. The nicotine mouth spray helps to reduce cravings and feelings of withdrawal by replacing some of the nicotine you would normally get from smoking. The nicotine mouth spray is often used together with the nicotine patch, which is a long-acting type of NRT, to help you quit. Watch the video and read the information below to learn about the nicotine mouth spray and how to use it to help you stop smoking.


Nicotine patches

Nicotine patches are a type of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) that can be used to help you stop smoking. Nicotine patches help to reduce cravings and feelings of withdrawal by replacing some of the nicotine you would normally get from smoking. A nicotine patch is often used together with a faster-acting type of NRT (such as nicotine lozenges, gum, inhalator, or mouth spray) to help you quit. Watch the video and read the information below to learn about nicotine patches and how to use them to help you stop smoking.


Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT): frequently asked questions

Evidence has shown that using NRTs along with support from a service like Quitline can be effective in helping people to stop smoking. Watch the video and read below to learn more about the different types of NRT: nicotine patches, gum, mouth spray, lozenges and inhalator. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before starting NRT, so they can help you work out what will suit you best.


Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT): quick tips

Your queries answered with our quick guide to using nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).


Quit Story


QuitFlicks Films: empowering LGBTIQA+ communities to quit smoking

Quit, Melbourne Queer Film Festival and Thorne Harbour Health proudly presents QuitFlicks, a series of short films celebrating filmmaking talent and smokefree messaging in LGBTIQA+ communities.


Quit Newsletter



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How Quitline can help you get back on track

Quitline counsellors can support you to turn your quitting story into a quit-for-good story.

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