Confidence to Quit
Watch Karen and Johnna talk about how they built up their confidence to quit the smokes for good!
ArticleCutting down to quit smoking
You may find the idea of quitting all at once overwhelming. If you decide to cut down on your way to quitting for good, here are a few tips.
ArticleThe dangers of nicotine in vaping liquid
Nicotine in vaping liquid (or e-liquid), the fluid used in vaping products or e-cigarettes, can cause poisoning.
Article"The day I couldn't recognise my wife"
Bill had his first cigarette aged 13 because he thought it was 'cool', just 25 years later, he suffered a stroke that left him unable to recognise his own wife.
ArticleDealing with friends who smoke or vape
For some people, smoking or vaping is a social activity, but once you've quit there are other ways to catch up with mates.
FAQFight cravings with exercise
One of the biggest challenges of quitting can be managing cravings.
ArticleGetting ready to quit: a checklist
The best way to be organised in life is to make a list. Make a list of what you need in preparation to quit smoking or vaping. You'll be ready for cravings, triggers and stress.
ArticleHad a smoke or vape? Stay focussed on your quitting goal
Quitting is a journey. Don't beat yourself up or give up if you have a smoke or vape while quitting. Keep reflecting, and work out some strategies to deal with triggers.
ArticleHow to build motivation
If you’re thinking about quitting smoking or vaping, or both, one of the best ways to move your motivation along is to compare the good and bad things about it.