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449 Results found

About the Victorian Quitline (13 7848)

Quitline (13 7848) is a confidential, evidence-based telephone counselling service. The Victorian Quitline operates Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm AEST.


About the WA Quitline (13 7848)

Quitline (13 7848) is a confidential, evidence-based telephone counselling service. The WA Quitline operates Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm AWST.




Alternative quitting methods: are they right for you?

There are lots of quitting methods out there including alternative methods like hypnotherapy and laser treatment. Some of these make grand claims of quit success. Before you sign up or make a purchase, it helps to do a bit of research.


Your 'quit for good' checklist

You've been quit for a while, and you've likely started to enjoy the benefits. Congratulations!


Understanding why you smoke or vape

The journey towards quitting starts with understanding why you smoke or vape. Here, we look at three aspects of addiction that will help train your brain to live without smoking or vaping.


Building motivation to try quitting again

It's not uncommon to return to smoking or vaping after quitting. For many people, it takes several attempts to quit for good. Each time, you have a chance to learn from it. Each time, you step closer towards being quit for good.


Building up your confidence (and 5 reasons why you can do this)

It can feel like smoking or vaping is a huge part of your life. Some people feel nervous about quitting, and that's okay. Here are some tips that will build your confidence to quit:


Quitting smoking 'cold turkey'

What exactly does 'cold turkey' mean? It usually means stopping smoking all at once rather than gradually cutting down to no cigarettes.


Combination nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)

Using the nicotine patch plus a faster-acting type of NRT gives you a better chance of stopping smoking than using one type of NRT alone.

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