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FAQBreathe in breathe out
Go for a walk. Some fresh air can be energizing and help you tackle the rest of the day.
TacticThe less travelled path
Change things up. If you drive home, try a new scenic route. If you live near a park or a lake, try driving around that way. If you're close enough, ride your bike home!
TacticStretch it out
Do some stretches or deep breathing exercises. They’re a great way to wind down in the evenings.
TacticTry the blender
Replace coffee with a healthy snack such as nuts or fruit, or make yourself a healthy smoothie.
TacticRunning can be fun!
Do something active together such as a walk around your local park
TacticShare it around
Prepare a healthy snack for you both to enjoy – a plate of fruit or some nuts are a great choice.
TacticKeeping your calm
Try some gentle stretching or yoga. Stretching is a great calming distraction from cravings.
TacticWhat's on the web?
Get moving with a short walk around the block or a gentle exercise video – YouTube has many to choose from.
TacticKeep it social
Try some exercise like a walk or a YouTube workout. Make it social and invite a friend or colleague (who doesn't smoke or vape) to join you.