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450 Results found

Maureen's wake up call

Maureen's wake up was fear. And realising her biggest asset was her life.


Liam's story

Liam shares what worked for him and how he's a different person!


Jane quit for good

Jane's been quit for eight years. And she's changed her life, from little habits to big ones.


David shares his quitting story

David made the decision to quit after years of smoking. Simple things such as putting all his cigarette butts in a jar and looking at them encouraged him to keep staying quit.


Steve's story

Steve started smoking at 16, at 22 he decided to give up, he just didn't see the point in it anymore.


How Dave quit smoking

Dave smoked for over 20 years, it became a part of his daily routine and habits. But when Dave and his partner decided to have a family, it spurred him on to quit, not just for him but for his daughter. Dave shares with us his tips for quitting, such as using stop smoking medication and how it's helped him to stay smokefree.


Sue's success

Sue had been smoking for years, but when she realised it was time to quit, she went all in. From handy tips like cutting up straws to puff instead of a cigarette and rewarding herself with treats for not giving up, her story is inspirational!


Ron's reason to quit

Ron was a long time smoker, smoking for over 50 years. It took a stroke to wake up Ron and quit for good. Read for his tips on how he stayed quit for good.


Dianne's story: Do it for your children

Dianne was only 26 when she suffered a stroke, after thirteen years of smoking. Now thirty years smokefree, she says cigarettes are simply not worth risking your life for.


Graham was 13 years old when he tried his first cigarette

I was brought up in an era where the Marlboro man told you it was cool to smoke. My parents and grandparents smoked. I used to be sent to the local milk bar to buy my mother’s viscount cigarettes and my father’s tobacco.

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