Matt's free!
Matt made a decision three years ago to quit. And since? Well he's now done a national road trip!
StoryCarly said no!
Carly's story reminds us all that our lives can be changed with the support of your loved ones.
StoryJay's journey
Jay started smoking because he thought it was normal - his dad smoked. But eventually Jay had had enough and he quit! And he feels great!
StoryHuey had one question
Huey didn't even know the damage cigarettes was doing to him.
StoryJames gave it up
James was on life support for 10 days. And he had the scare of a life time.
StoryCraig: calling myself a non-smoker!
Craig may miss the cigarettes now and then, but it doesn't overshadow the power of saying no and how much stronger he feels.
StoryI learned to control the desire
Keith had one motto for himself which pushed him to stay quit: no more addiction
StoryGeraldine's advice
Geraldine has one piece of advice for anyone trying to stop smoking - "It's never just one".
StoryMichael's adventure to being a non-smoker
Michael's seven months smoke free, and he's loving life!
StoryI can sit calmly in the sun. Richie's story.
For Richie, smoking was an ugly demon on his back. Since he's shaken it off, he's feeling a lot lighter in more ways than one.