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396 Results found

Melissa's windy journey

Melissa quit and slipped up a few times. It's normal. She then made a resolution to quit for good, and now she's enjoying a benefit, the happiness of her kids!


Carol's lesson on taking up non-smoking

Carol started smoking after a death in the family. Twenty years on, she shares her best quit smoking tips.


Donna decided to quit for good

Did you know that the minute you decide to quit, you don't just improve your own life but your family's too. Quitting before or during pregnancy can improve your child's health outcomes.


Victoria breaks her relationship with the smokes

Victoria made the tough decision to quit her relationship - with smoking. And it's not been easy, but she's got some good motivation.


Courtney's courage

Courtney was a pack-a-day smoker for a very long time. But after she saw her son playing with her cigarettes, it convinced her to change her life.


Rebecca revels in her win!

Rebecca was young when she found out she could lose all her teeth from smoking. So she made some tough choices, and she feels better for it!


Rachel used the kitchen sink

Rachel has been quit for 8 years. How did she do it? With everything she had.


Peta's proud moment

Peta is now 100 days smoke free! Read on to find out how she did it.


How Ingrid's son helped her quit

For Ingrid, it was all about leaning on someone near and dear.


James's journey

James has a sobering story, about the difficulties in staying quit.

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