Naomi's story
Quitting helped to remind Naomi of her own strength. Find out how that confidence led to a healthier life for her and her daughter.
StoryLivo's advice to smokers trying to give up the smokes
Livo’s family, friends and footy kept him motivated to quit smoking. Watch his story to find out the strategies he used to quit for good.
StoryHow Davina quit smoking
Breaking the small habits that triggered her cigarette cravings helped Davina stop smoking for good. Watch her story for tips on how you can do the same.
StoryMirinda's journey from smoking to nursing
Studying nursing opened Mirinda’s eyes to the health risks of smoking and gave her the push to quit for good. Watch her story to discover what she learnt about quitting.
StoryJane's journey to beat smoking
Jane focused on her reasons for quitting to inspire her along her journey. Watch her story to find out how quitting smoking has helped her enjoy life to the fullest.
StoryJanine's story
Janine thought smoking was an emotional release. Once she realised cigarettes were actually causing her stress, she learnt how to retrain her brain to stay smokefree.
StoryBuster's story
Buster kept trying to quit his 45-year smoking habit. Find out how he finally did it.
StoryLiz shares her story
There are so many benefits you can get out of quitting, find out what some people have achieved since they quit.
StoryKeith's journey: the ups and downs
If you keep falling over, it's okay. The trick is to keep getting back up.
StoryMaree's magnificent achievement!
Maree quit after 40 years, if she can do it, so can you!