Keeping close
Have an extra cuddle and talk to your partner to help you get over your craving.
TacticTune out
Listen to some music or watch a funny clip on YouTube.
TacticExplore the neighbourhood
If you stick to a usual place to hang out, try venture to somewhere new or unexplored. Mixing up your habits can be a great distraction.
TacticSplurge on yourself
Reward yourself – use some of the money you’ve saved to see a movie or buy a magazine.
TacticGet creative
Try a new hobby or revisit an old one – drawing, listening to or playing music and gardening are all great options.
TacticMark was inspired to quit smoking
Sometimes all it takes when times are tough is to know that you're not alone in your journey.
StoryNo longer feeling guilty
With help from the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Quitline, Bec successfully quit smoking.
StoryClaire shares tips on managing mental health and quitting
When she was anxious, Claire would reach for a cigarette. Before she tried to quit, she searched for healthier strategies to deal with stress. Find out what she has to say about mental health and how preparation can help you quit.
StoryDeclan's story
Smoking started as a social habit for Declan. When he realised he was reaching for a cigarette when he was alone, he decided to quit for good. Watch his story for tips on finding the right support to kick the habit.