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Research and evaluation

Cancer Council Victoria produces leading tobacco control research and evaluation. This ensures our work is evidence-based and that it keeps improving. In this section you’ll find a range of reports and research that influence our practice. 

Smoking and Vaping

Recent information on smoking and vaping among adolescents and adults: 

Centre for Behavioural Research in Cancer: research & evaluation

CCV’s Centre for Behavioural Research in Cancer (CBRC) leads the production of high-quality evidence to optimise cancer control initiatives. Specific to tobacco control, areas of activity include: 

  • Monitoring of adult and adolescent smoking and vaping knowledge, beliefs and behaviours to identify population progress and needs. 

  • Conduct of experimental studies and formative research to inform future policies, programs, tools and communications. 

  • Evaluation of policies, interventions, programs, services and campaigns to assess their value and for continuous improvement.

Last updated May 2024

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