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Explainer: Shisha pipes vs. cigarettes

What is shisha? Or waterpipes? Or hookah? And is it better for you than cigarettes?

Waterpipe smoking is sometimes called shisha or hookah or narjeela or arghile or goza or even hubble bubble.

With its sweet smell wafting from numerous bars and cafes, people often mistakenly think that it must be less harmful compared to cigarettes.

Using a waterpipe is not safe. It has similar health risks to cigarette smoking, and may be worse.

Many toxic chemicals have been found in waterpipe smoke. You can end up inhaling much more smoke from a waterpipe than from a cigarette because usually you take deep breaths and smoke for longer.

Compared to a cigarette, in an average waterpipe session you inhale:

  • 2-3 times the amount of nicotine

  • 25 times the amount of tar

  • Up to 50 times the amount of cancer-causing PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons).

Health risks

Not only does smoking a waterpipe immediately increase heart rate, blood pressure and carbon monoxide levels, there is the risk of many of the long-term health risks associated with smoking:

Long-term health risks for people who smoke waterpipes include:

  • Heart disease

  • Stroke

  • Lung, mouth, stomach cancer

  • Reduced lung function

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (emphysema or chronic bronchitis).

People who smoke waterpipes in particular are exposed to high levels of chemicals such as benzene, which increases the risk of cancer.

Shishas are often shared, which increases the risk of infectious diseases.

Secondhand smoke is a big issue, too. The burning charcoal is harmful to people nearby. Often, it’s staff who are affected. A one-hour waterpipe session generates secondhand smoke with as much carbon monoxide as 20 cigarettes.

Salah's story

Salah had the same assumption about shisha that a lot of young people do - that smoking shisha is better for you than smoking cigarettes. After realising that shisha can be worse for you, Salah took the journey to stop smoking shisha, despite wanting to impress friends or fit in. Watch his story on how he made the decision to quit and the benefits of going smokefree.

How quitting shisha changed Salah's life.


  • But shisha is not addictive, right? Waterpipe smoke contains nicotine. Waterpipe smoking is addictive. People who smoke waterpipes daily can feel just as addicted as people who smoke cigarettes.

  • Doesn’t the water filter out the bad stuff? The water in shisha pipes does not filter out the harmful chemicals. Most of the tar and fine particles pass through the water.

  • But the smoke is smoother. The moist, cooler smoke from the shisha might seem less irritating to the throat than cigarette smoke but it’s just as harmful.

  • It smells like apple, how bad can it be? The waterpipe might have a fruity or sweet smell but it’s not healthier or safer than smoking.

  • What about tobacco-free shisha? Waterpipes labelled “tobacco free” generate similar and sometimes more toxins than tobacco waterpipe products.

  • This waterpipe has gadgets that make it safer. Some waterpipes are labelled as being less harmful. They may have mouthpieces containing activated charcoal or cotton, or they may have chemical additives or plastic mesh fittings to create smaller bubbles. None of these have been found to reduce exposure to toxins or tobacco-related disease.

We're here to help in your language

Save money, be fitter, live longer. With professional help you can quit smoking cigarettes and shisha for good. The free telephone counselling service, Quitline 13 7848, can help in your language.

Quitline counsellors are experts in helping people to stop smoking. Quitline counsellors listen and find strategies and tips that will work for you. They help you build and sustain your motivation to quit. You can call Quitline with a quick question, but a typical first call takes around 10–20 minutes. The first call often covers your smoking history, your motivation to quit and how smoking fits into your life.

Call Quitline today on 13 7848 and tell us you need an interpreter. We will call you back with an interpreter in your language as soon as possible.

Please note,this information is for general use only.  Please consult your health professional for further advice.  

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Last updated September 2024

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