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It's time to quit

Time to quit: Take action today for a healthier tomorrow

Taking the first step towards quitting is a big milestone in itself. Stopping smoking can bring numerous benefits to your health, wellbeing, and overall quality of life.

Listen to your body: It's telling you it's time to quit

Is your body sending you signals that something is wrong? Your body may be trying to tell you that it's time to quit smoking, and it's essential to listen to the signs.

Are you experiencing:

  • coughing?

  • wheezing?

  • breathlessness?

  • bleeding gums?

These are all tell-tale signs that it's time to quit. Quitting smoking or vaping is a decision that can improve your health and wellbeing. Set realistic goals, seek support, and focus on small victories. Take the first step today towards a smoke or vape free future.

Beat the cravings: Strategies to resist the urges

When you are quitting, you might have strong urges to smoke or vape. These are called cravings. They are a normal part of your quitting journey, but they can be tough to deal with. Making small changes to your everyday routine can help you beat cravings and bring you closer to a life without smoking or vaping.

Ways to distract yourself

  • Keep busy: Do something fun or interesting to take your mind off smoking or vaping. Play a game, go for a walk, or call a friend.

  • Relax and breathe: Take deep breaths and relax your body. Try exercise or meditation to calm your mind.

  • Get help: Talk to someone who can support you, like a friend, family member, or Quitline counsellor.

  • Think about why you quit: Remember why you want to quit and how good it will feel to be smoke and vape free.

  • Drink water: Sipping water or chewing sugarless gum can help distract you from cravings and give your mouth something to do besides smoking or vaping.

Wherever you are on your quitting journey, Quit is here to help

Contact Quitline today. Our trained counsellors are here to support you on your quitting journey as well as provide helpful resources and guidance every step of the way.

There are now multiple ways for you to access Quitline. Get in touch your way:

Also check out the My QuitBuddy app: My QuitBuddy is an app that helps you get, and stay, smoke-free and vape-free. It provides helpful tips to overcome cravings and tracking systems to chart your progress. My QuitBuddy gives you the facts you need to understand the impacts smoking and vaping have on your health.

Please note,this information is for general use only.  Please consult your health professional for further advice.  

If you would like to provide feedback, please contact 

Last updated April 2024

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