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The cost of vaping: 4 ways quitting will improve your life

Quitting vaping can improve your overall wellbeing in unexpected ways. Here are 4 key ways quitting vaping will improve your life:

Health benefits

When you quit vaping, you’re no longer exposed to nicotine dependence and the harmful chemicals inside a vape. Recent reports found more than 200 different chemicals are used in vape liquids (‘e-liquids’). These include chemicals that are known causes of cancer, heart disease or lung disease. 

Read more about the health risks of vaping

Take back control

Nicotine dependence hijacks the body’s natural functions, such as the brain’s reward system. This can make you feel like vaping is controlling you. Quitting can give you a sense of freedom and lead to better physical and mental wellbeing.   

Simplify your life

Quitting means no more running out to buy a new vape, worrying about having it on you when you leave the house, waking up during the night to vape, or searching for spots where you can vape when you’re out and about. Less hassle means more time and energy to focus on the things that really matter to you.   

Save extra money

Money spent on vaping can add up over time.  The cost of vape devices, e-liquids and accessories add up fast and you may be surprised by how much you can save by quitting.  Think about the amount you spend on vaping every month. How many vapes do you purchase? What about related components, juices or accessories? Now add it all up.  

Having this amount as extra cash each month could mean more money towards:  

  • Going to more gigs  

  • Binge-watching more shows with new streaming subscriptions  

  • A weekend away  

  • More groceries  

  • Gear for school, university, or work   

  • Gym membership  

  • New clothes  

  • A bit more wiggle room in your budget  

  • Money towards car registration or insurance.  

Quitline is here to help people of all ages quit vaping

Our friendly Quitline counsellors are experienced in helping people of all ages to stop vaping. They'll chat with you about your vaping and your quitting goals, help you work out a quit plan and support you along your quitting journey. They're here for you.

See the many ways to get in touch with Quitline, or request a Quitline callback using the button below:

Also check out the My QuitBuddy app: My QuitBuddy is an app that helps you get, and stay, smoke-free and vape-free. It provides helpful tips to overcome cravings and tracking systems to chart your progress. My QuitBuddy gives you the facts you need to understand the impacts smoking and vaping have on your health.

Please note, this information is for general use only.  Please consult your health professional for further advice.  

If you would like to provide feedback, please contact 

Last updated February 2024

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