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Talking to your doctor or pharmacist about quitting

Your GP or pharmacist is an excellent first point of contact if you're thinking about stopping smoking or vaping. 

Your doctor or pharmacist is an excellent first point of contact if you're thinking of quitting smoking or vaping.

Your GP and pharmacist can help you quit smoking or vaping by:

  • Talking with you about the best approach for you, and advising if any medications are appropriate.

  • Reviewing your usual medicines.  

  • Offering encouragement and support along the way. They can answer your questions and chat with you about any worries you might have.  

  • Referring you to Quitline. Quitline 13 7848 is free telephone counselling service that supports people along their quit journey. Your GP or pharmacist can put in a referral for you, so that a friendly Quitline counsellor can call you back. 

Here are some questions you may want to ask your GP and pharmacist about quitting smoking or vaping:

  • What can I do to manage symptoms of nicotine withdrawal? 

  • What medications may be appropriate ? 

  • How can I avoid or reduce side effects of medications? 

  • Will any of my usual medicines need reviewing? 

Please note, this information is for general use only.  Please consult your health professional for further advice. 

If you would like to provide feedback, please contact 

Last updated March 2024

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