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Make your house and car smoke or vape-free

People who smoke or vape tell us that it feels good to take control. Let the cigarettes or vapes know that they're on the way out. An easy first step is to make your house and your car smoke or vape-free.

Making your house and car smoke or vape free will help you to quit. It will also help you to prepare to quit in the lead-up to your quit day. 

How to make your house and car smoke or vape free:

  • Remove related equipment and accessories from your car, home and workplace, to avoid being triggered by these.

  • Freshen up your home and car. Open windows to aerate it. Vacuum your car and house and wash all of your clothes and bedding. 

  • If you live with a person who smokes or vapes, chat to them about keeping the house smoke/vape free, or at least keeping their smoking or vaping to one place. 

  • Politely ask your friends not to offer you cigarettes or vapes. 

  • In the days before you quit, make it a harder to smoke or vape. For instance, move your smoking or vaping to an uncomfortable place outside near the bins. 

With good planning and a clean slate, you can do this!

If you would like to provide feedback, please contact

Last updated January 2024.

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