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How much money is smoking costing you?

It's no secret that smoking is expensive. Exactly how much does it cost you? What could you be spending that money on?

Have you ever worked out how much smoking costs you?

Let’s take a look: 

If you smoke 12 cigarettes a day, you'd save around $120 a week by stopping smoking, which is a saving of over $6,000 a year!  

Use our free calculator tool to work out how much you could save if you stopped smoking, and how else you might use that money:

How else you could use that money?

  • A nice holiday? 

  • New furniture? 

  • Gym membership?

  • New device or mobile phone?

  • Maybe a new car?

Smoking isn’t just costing you money. It also impacts on:

Chat with a Quitline counsellor

Quitline counsellors can offer you free advice and support to help you stop smoking and/or vaping. They will work with you to help you build and keep up your motivation, create a plan that works for you, and guide and encourage you along the way. Quitline counsellors can also support you if you are using vapes to stop smoking. 

There are many ways to get in touch with Quitline 13 7848. Hit the button below for more detail: 

If you would like to provide feedback, please contact 

Last updated March 2024

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