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Building motivation to try quitting again

It's not uncommon to return to smoking or vaping after quitting. For many people, it takes several attempts to quit for good. Each time, you have a chance to learn from it. Each time, you step closer towards being quit for good.

Good on you for wanting to get back on track

One way to get back on track is to be really clear about your reasons for wanting to quit and use these as reminders to help you stay quit.  

It might seem obvious, but if you find the one key reason for stopping, that thing that really tugs at your heart, it can make the difference during the tough times.  

  1. Take a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. 

  2. On one side write down what you like about smoking or vaping. Are there any good things about it?

  3. On the other side, list what the bad things are about smoking or vaping. You might consider health, kids, pets, money or the fact that you feel addicted to it, or hassled by it. Everyone, of course, has their own personal reasons. The more specific you can be the better. 

  4. Now step back for a moment and compare both sides. How does it look? 

  5. Circle the one reason to quit that REALLY hits you. Is there any way you can turn that reason into a visual cue like a photo on your phone? 

Some more questions to consider:

  • Do you have future goals that could be impacted by continuing to smoke or vape – they could be related to fitness, a job, money, or health, for example?

  • Are there other ways you can get what you need without smoking or vaping? If time-out is important to you, can you get your time-out in a different way? How do people who don’t smoke or vape take time out? 

  • On a scale of 0 to 10, how important it is for you to quit? (A score of 0 means not important, and 10 means extremely important). What’s your number? Why is it not zero? What could you change to make it higher?

Quitline can help

Sometimes it's hard to define all the reasons you want to quit, and what they mean to you. Chatting with a Quitline counsellor can help. They can help you work out what really motivates you, and help you make a quit plan that will improve your likelihood of quitting for good!

There are many ways to reach out to Quitline:

  • Call 13 7848 Mon - Fri 8am to 8pm

  • Text 'call back' to 0482 090 634 (VIC, SA, NT, WA only)

  • Webchat at (VIC, SA, NT, WA only)

  • Message us on Facebook Messenger @quitvic or WhatsApp: 61 385 832 920 (VIC, SA, NT, WA only)

  • Ask us to call you back for free using the online form:

Last updated February 2024.

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